100 year old celebrates her 25th Birthday!

About Leap Day:

2024 is a leap year, meaning Thursday, Feb. 29 is a once-in-every-four-year event.

Since leap years typically happen every four years (although there are some exceptions), our last leap days were in 2020 and 2016, and the next leap year will happen in 2028.

And since this is a day that doesn't come around often, people are celebrating in different ways, with businesses offering special deals in commemoration and others finally celebrating their Feb. 29 birthday.

For Mary Lea Forsythe of Sand Springs, Oklahoma, she is ready to celebrate her 100th birthday on Thursday, despite only ever celebrating 25 actual birthdays. Forsythe is a part of a rare group of people called leaplings, a name for those born on Feb. 29 or Leap Day.

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