Megan Thee Stallion Releases New Mental Health Website

Megan Thee Stallion has taken the industry by storm over the past few years, through both her rapping and newly popularized acting career. The star is always seen to be full of love and laughter, and never fails to put on a show (girl got moves!!!). She has gone from creating fun songs with Jimmy Fallon, starring in a musical-movie soon to come to theaters, and even recently performed with Beyonce at her Houston show!! And just when we thought she couldn't impress us any more, Meg recently announced her new Mental Health initiative as well. 

Ms. Stallion always prides the fact that "Bad b****** have bad days too", which just so happens to be the name of her newly released website. The website provides Mental Heath resources for all, with a focus on normalizing that even "hot girls" have tricky days. Her website embraces resources, and provides quite an impressive list of references, articles, and helplines dedicated to providing support to those dealing with mental health issues.

Make sure to check out her newly launched website at:

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