You Lend $10 to a Friend Who Buys Powerball Tickets and Hits the Jackpot. How Much Do They Owe You?

Tonight's Powerball is up over $1 billion again.  Here's a scenario you'll never deal with, but it's fun to think about . . .

A friend asks if they can borrow $10.  You hand them a ten . . . they use it to buy Powerball tickets . . . and they hit the JACKPOT.  How much do they owe you?

Someone asked, and people voted.  Here are the four options . . .

1.  Just the original $10 you loaned them.


2.  Half of the winnings.


3.  All the winnings


4.  Nothing.



The top vote-getter was just the original $10.  It got 72% of the vote.  If they want to give you more, great . . . and maybe they should.  But they're not obligated to.

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